Monday, June 19, 2017

Carter's First Birthday!

Unfortunately, both kids were kind of sick for Carter's birthday. The day before, they came down with fevers and were very tired and kind of grumpy. So on Carter's birthday, we took it easy. There were a lot of tantrums frome big sister, who was more sick than Carter. I had grand plans to take them to the park so Carter could go on the swings, but none of that happened.

Until Daddy got home, it was a pretty normal day. We did start with birthday Swedish pancakes. Carter loves them (as he should!).

He really wanted to get the pancake off the plate. He finally succeeded.

When Daddy got home, we had some pasta for dinner. Then, because it was SUCH a beautiful day outside, we went for a walk. Carter loves being outside and was very excited.

Next we opened presents. Carter got a baby phone...

... a driving toy...

... and a bead maze.

After presents, it was time for cake! First we sang. Carter loved it! Then he played with the frosting.

Finally, he started to go for it. Kind of.

And then Mommy encouraged him.

Yay, cake! Yay, birthday! Yay, Carter! I feel a little bad that it was a pretty uneventful day for him, but such is life, right? And hey, he didn't even know it was his birthday anyway! So it's all good.

Friday, June 16, 2017

1 Year Old

WHAT?! How is this baby of mine already a year old? In some ways, it's been a looong year. But in all ways related to Carter, it seems like it went by so fast! Cliche, cliche, I know. Anyway, this boy OWNS me. I'd give him one of my kidneys--just to play with--if he asked me to. (Too far? Eh, whatever.)

Here are some Carter fun facts!
  • He has four teeth on top and three on bottom.
  • He weighs 29 pounds. Holy huge baby!
  • He loves playing with shoes. I really hate it. So gross!
  • He recently did the quintessential baby thing and unrolled all of the toilet paper from the roll. We never leave the bathroom door open (for obvious reasons), but Aubrey went in once and didn't shut the door after. Carter saw his opportunity and took it. He was SO happy and proud of himself when we discovered him.
  • When I'm holding him and someone else approaches and smiles or says hi to him--even if it's Daniel--Carter does a shy smile and then buries his face in my neck. Then he looks back, smiles again, and buries his face again. It's so cute!
  • Also when I hold him, he will often just put his head on my shoulder and give me a hug. IT IS THE BEST! Seriously, he can't stop with the hugs, or I'll whither and die.
  • He is SO HAPPY! All I have to do is smile at him to get a cute, cheesy grin in return. And he sometimes just laughs--just because! He is so, so wonderful.
  • He loves the book Goodnight Moon. He always points at/pets the kittens and the little mouse. He just interacts so cutely with the entire book.
  • In other book-related cuteness, he will rock side to side if you say, "Carter, shake and shimmy!" It's a line from his other favorite book, Horns to Toes and in Between. I need to get a video; it's soooo cute!
  • He can take a few steps with his little walker. He hasn't seemed too interested but is becoming more so. He cruises on furniture and can climb stairs, too. Hopefully real walking is on its way soon!
  • He's very patient when it comes to Aubrey and is usually fine when she invades our time together--unless it's nap time or bed time. Before both, we sit together in his rocker and read a few books. If Aubrey comes over and tries to sit with us, he whines and kicks his feet. He doesn't want her up on my lap with him! Again, this is only when I read to him before naps and at bedtime. It's so cute! I relish that Mommy-Carter time too. 
  • When he puts something in his mouth that he's not supposed to have and I catch him, he quickly turns and crawls away from me, laughing as I chase him.
  • He loves playing this game with people:

Okay, now tell me he isn't sunshine in a little baby package! D'oh. Love. I don't want him to grow up! :(