Ohhhh my Carter love. He is still the sweetest boy. He's starting to become a little feistier, but I'm actually glad. It's nice to see him coming into his own. He's so fun! Here are some of my favorite Carterisms:
- He has finally figured out how to go down the stairs. He always wanted to go face first, but he finally let us teach him to go down backwards.
- He is still such a happy little dude. My favorite thing is that he laughs after he sneezes. Every time. SO cute.
- He has started saying some real words! He says:
- "This" (when he's holding something and showing us)
- "Yes"
- "Woah"
- "Wheeeee!"
- "Aubrey" (he says it so cute... I can't figure out how to write it phonetically)
- "Up"
- "Ohhh"
- "Oops" (when he drops something on the ground... he says it like "Ohps")
- "Yummy"
- He HATES having his teeth brushed and will blow raspberries and spit in your face when you try to brush them. But he loves chewing on his toothbrush.
- When he doesn't like a food or just doesn't want to eat it anymore, he'll open his mouth and wipe the food off of his tongue. If you try to feed him when he doesn't want to be fed something, he'll bat the spoon/fork away and/or blow raspberries.
- He also says "Wheee!" when we're driving in the car, when he's on the swings, when he's standing and holding onto the rocking chair while pushing it back and forth, when he's standing up by the running dishwasher and bouncing up and down, etc. Love it.
- He loves playing the gravity game (AKA throwing things on the ground and watching us pick them up). It usually happens at dinner with his cup and with his food when he's decided he's done. Not my favorite, but the cute little mischievious face he makes when he does it makes it impossible to be mad.
- He has started to throw tantrums, but they're actually really funny. He rolls around on the floor, kicks his feet, and whines.
- If I cry out in pain for some reason, he starts to cry. It's really cute. I think he likes me!
- He LOVES sitting in Aubrey's little chair and rocking back and forth. He says, "Wheee!" as he does it, and it kills me.
- Back when we were in California, he became very mommy attached. I think he was struggling with all the location and schedule changes. So when someone else had him and he wanted me, he'd cry until he got me. Once I took him from the other person, he'd lean his head on my shoulder to hug me, and then he'd turn back to the other person and reach out to touch them quickly, as if he were thanking that person for holding him and then giving him to Mommy. It was adorable.
- He used to gently stroke my hair (or the hair of any long-haired person who was holding him), but he's lost that gentle touch. It's too bad; it was so sweet.
- He's also finally starting to walk! He got really into using his walker, and now he's starting to take steps all on his own. His first steps were taken on Sunday, July 30th around 10:45 a.m. The only reason I know this is because it was during Sunday School at church, and I was sad I couldn't clap and cheer for him! He was holding onto a chair, and then he just let go and took five or six steps. His current record is ten consecutive steps.