Love love love my sweet baby boy. But he's not a baby anymore! I feel a deep sense of mourning when I think of him growing up. He's in such a cute stage; he's learning so much and becoming his own little person. Here are some highlights:
- He says a bunch of cute words:
- "Baubrey" or "Baubey" or "Aubee" for "Aubrey"
- "Bup" for "up"
- "Hep" for "help"
- "Beep beep" (it used to be "bee bee") whenever he sees a car or a thing with wheels
- "Gock" for "sock" and "clock"
- "Ot" for "hot"
- "Bok" for "book"
- "Dice" (perviously "sice") for "lights"
- "Bah" when he sees a sheep
- "Meew" for "moon"
- "Bah" for "ball"
- "Why" for "butterfly" (I love that one)
- "Stop it" (he got this from Aubrey)
- "Baff" for "bath"
- "Duck" for "stuck"
- "Die-a" for "star"
- "Baa-bat" for "fruit snacks"
- "Peas" for "please"
- Sometimes he will stick his pointer finger out to me and go "eh eh" until I either touch his finger with mine or grab his hand and kiss it. Not sure what that's about, but it's adorable!
- At nap time and bed time, after I lay him down in his crib, he hurries and rolls onto his tummy and shakes his bum. It's his way of saying he wants me to rub his back. So sweet.
- During Christmas time, our neighbors across the street put up a bunch of lights, including some blinking ones. Carter was obsessed with them and would stand on the couch to look out the window every night. When we got back home from Christmas break, he went to the couch and said, "Sice! Sice!" (for lights). It was so cute/sad to see his reaction when they weren't there anymore.
- When I say it's time for bed, he runs away from me while protesting verbally. Heh.
- Meal times are a challenge with him still. He has opinions about what he wants to eat, but he can't communicate them. So he'll point at either the fridge or the pantry, and we have to list things off until we figure out what it is. If he doesn't want the thing we've named, he shakes his whole body back and forth, flails his arms, and grunts. If he does want what we've named, he bounces up and down and says, "Mey mey mey!" That's his way of saying he wants something just in general.
- When he eats, he often looks up at the family photos we have on the wall, points at photo of Daniel, and says, "Daddy!" He loves his Daddy, and it's so cute.
- This kid is completely obsessed with fruit snacks, and he often raids the pantry to get them. He brings one of us a bag, says, "Peas!" and then bounces up and down in anticipation. If we say no and take the bag from him, he throws a tantrum before going to the pantry to get another package and trying again. It's so hard to say no when he does that!
- When he's hungry, he walks over to his highchair, pulls it out, and says, "Peas!" So. Much. Love.
- When we were at Nana and Papa's house one weekend, he followed them out and escaped through the garage. He can apparently open the doors in their house. Daniel's dad was about to back out of the garage when he looked in his rear view mirror and saw Carter toddling around in the driveway. I can't begin to express how grateful I am that Daniel's dad saw him. He could have been run over by his own Papa, or he could have just wandered away and been lost. It still freaks me out to think of it. Now we lock all the doors at Nana's and Papa's house.
- He loves dancing when upbeat music comes on. It's sooo cute.
- For some reason, he won't let me sing to him at bedtime anymore. When I try, he whines and shakes his head. It makes me very sad. I think it's because he knows that after I sing, he's going in the crib. In place of songs, he tries to get me to read all the books. When I tell him it's time to turn off the light, he always whines and tries to run and grab more books from his shelves.
- He has begun a bad habit of climbing up and standing on our kitchen table. He gets a mischievious look on his face, laughs, and then tries to hurry and climb down quickly when I go to get him.
- When he does something he knows he shouldn't, he says, "Oh, baby" over and over. I think it's his version of us saying, "No, baby" to him. It's pretty adorable! And it helps me know I should go check on him if I hear it coming from another room, haha.
- He is completely car obsessed, so he has a lot of toys with wheels. He likes to lie down on his side and just roll cars back and forth in front of his face. For some reason, this is completely adorable.
- He loves to hang out with Daddy when he vacuums. For some reason, it's very exciting.
- He can point to most body parts (eyes, ears, tummy, head, bum, feet, etc.) He actually says "eye," too.
- If he cries in the middle of the night (or, more often, after I've put him to bed but before he's fallen asleep), I'll go in and give him his pacifiers back (because he has always thrown them). When I do, I lay him down again and often rub his tummy or back. In response, he'll sit up and point to the rocking chair, indicating that he wants me to sit with him. It's SOOO hard to say no to him, because sitting with him--snuggling with his head on my shoulder--is my absolute favorite thing in the world. But I know I can't give in and take him out of his crib. So I leave. And then we're both sad.
- His highchair sits at one of the short ends of the table, and during meals he pushes the table with his feet. It's really annoying. It's a new thing, because we previously had carpet, so he couldn't do it.
- When you offer him a food he doesn't want, instead of saying, "No," he says, "Plegh," and sticks his tongue out as he says it. He got this from Aubrey.
- He likes to pull blankets behind him while going "Sssssss." I think he's being a snake, but I'm really not sure.