Wednesday, March 28, 2018

"My Mommy"

Oh man. I have really gotten behind on this blog. *Sigh* Because of that, some of these things are already not true anymore. But I still want to preserve the memory! This little man is too cute for me to forget anything about him at this fun, wonderful age.
  • Most of the cute things about Carter are related to the things he says. I swear he learns a new word every day! Here are my favorites:
    • "Sas" for "sad" (when he hears Aubrey crying, he says, "Aubee sas"... so cute!)
    • "Dink" for "drink" (which sometimes means "yogurt drink")
    • "Ka-kake" for "pancake"
    • "Sauce" for "applesauce"
    • "Sap" (used to be "dap") for "lap"
    • "No" for "snow"
    • "Dop" for "stop" (He says, "Dop it!" when he doesn't like something, haha.)
    • "Up see" or "Oh be" for "Oopsie"
    • "Me ming" for "sleeping"
    • "Dog"
    • "Bah peas" for "more please"
    • "Nope"
    • "Hey!" (said in protest)
    • "Ky" for "sky"
    • "Warm"
    • "Bee bo" for "rainbow" (and for Lucky Charms, haha)
    • "Bears" for Teddy Grahams
    • "Nack" for "snack"
    • "Nemo" 
    • "Wahna" "for "Moana" (he loves listening to the music)
    • "Coco" (because we just saw the movie)
    • "Hey main" for "airplane" (He hears every airplane that goes by our house, I swear!)
    • "Pah dah" for "pacifier"
    • "Man-ah" for "banana"
    • "Ug" for "hug"
    • "Co" for "cold"
    • "Binkie" for "blankie"
    • "Wheel"
    • "Heart"
    • "Walk" (He always wants to go for a walk.)
    • "Bed"
    • "Soff" for "soft"
    • "Dod" for "God" (when asking for the song I Am a Child of God)
    • "Toot" (and yes, he says this every time he does it... and laughs)
    • "Dight" for "light"
    • "Otto" (he says this so cute!)
    • "Doooo-duh" for "dude" (which he thinks is hilarious)
    • "Nom nom" about yummy food
    • "Oh no"
    • "Mmm hmm" or "uh huh" when he wants to say "yes" (He'll even say, "Mmm hmm [noun]," when you ask if he wants that thing. For example, if you offer applesauce, he'll say, "Mmm hmmm sauce!")
    • "Bee Cees" when he wants me to sing the ABC song
    • "Puppy" when he wants the iPad (because of the Fisher Price Puppy apps)
  • Sometimes (very rarely), when I ask him to sing, he'll mumble nonsense to a little made-up tune. It's the sweetest! It's been hard to get a good video though...

  • He blows kisses when saying goodbye, and it's the sweetest.
  • Sometimes he calls me "My mommy," which absolutely kills me. Loooove.
  • When you tell him something he doesn't know, like that Daddy is at work, he says, "Oh!" He says it all the time.
  • When he's trying to open something, he grunts "Errrr." He got that from me, haha.
  • If he doesn't like something, he'll stick us tongue out and say, "Plegh!"
  • We do scriptures and family prayer right before Daniel leaves for his Home Depot job at night, and as soon as we say "Amen" (which he shouts), he says, "Ug!" and goes to give Daniel a goodbye hug.
  • He loves washing his hands (and pretending to wash his hands). I hope that's permanent!
  • He loves the book Goodnight Moon, but he's very distracted by the clocks in it. He loves clocks. So when we read the book, he's always pointing at the clock on the colored pages. And when we get to the black-and-white pages, he says, "No!" and turns to the color page in search of the clock. Funny dude.
  • He loves the book Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, and he often repeats the last word of each page when I read it to him. 
  • When he's trying to get my attention, instead of saying my name louder and louder (like Aubrey and most kids), he lowers his voice until it's really soft and sweet and says, "Mommy? Mommy?" Sometimes he pats my head or other part of me while he says it. 
  • Whenever he hears anyone crying, he says, "Sas." He always looks so concerned when he says it... I hope he's always an empathetic little boy!
  • He can do a pretty good somersault! Aubrey taught him, and he picked it up really fast. 
  • Speaking of Big Sister, he always wants Aubrey to help him eat instead of Mommy or Daddy. If he needs help getting food on his fork/spoon, he says, "Hep, Aubee." She's always happy to help, which is sweet.
  • He likes pushing the table away with his feet when we're eating. No my favorite thing.
  • One of his favorite games is to stand on the coffee table and trust fall off into my arms. The only problem is that sometimes he does this without warning. 
  • When we dress him, he puts his arm only partyway through the sleeve (so you can't see his hand), and goes, "Oh no!" pretending his hand is gone. Then he pushes his hand out and laughs...
  • He likes to open our lower kitchen cabinets, sit down, and try to close himself inside. He always loves closing himself inside closets. He always says, "Bye!" when he does it.
  • He's obsessed with a song about rainbows that he learned from the show Mother Goose Club. He always asks for it at bedtime (that, the ABC song, and the "I am like a star shining brightly" song).
  • We bought gummy vitamins for Aubrey, and Carter decided he wanted them too. We always do them at dinner, and Aubrey started whispering in my or Daniel's ear to ask for one so Carter wouldn't hear. Then we'd "sneak" over to get one. So now, when Carter wants a gummy, he starts whispering gibberish to us.
  • If I hug Aubrey or hold her on my lap, he gets jealous and starts to throw a mini tantrum. Then he has to come and get a hug or sit on my lap. Hey, I don't mind!
  • He likes to clear his throat theatrically. He got this from me (because I do it at one part in one of his books).
  • He loves brushing his teeth! He's much less excited about Mommy or Daddy doing it though.
  • He super loves his baby cousins and always asks to see them on Marco Polo. He just says, "Baby! Baby!" until I show him one of them. Then he cries when they go away.
  • When we go outside in the cold, he hugs himself and does a fake shiver as he says, "Co!"
  • Every time I get him dressed, he says, "Beep beep!" because he wants to wear something with cars on it. He has some PJs with cars (which is where the idea of clothes with cars came from), so now I've bought him some shirts too.
  • He loves pointing out eyes and mouths on people, stuffed animals, photos of people or animals, etc.
  • And finally, because I forgot to add this in, here's a video of Carter with his favorite treat--a lollipop.