With all of our crazy traveling over the last couple of weeks, I almost didn't realize that my sweet, wonderful boy is two months old! He's incredible and perfect (as all babies are, I suppose, but he's even perfecter... yes, I said "perfecter"... anyway), and he must be memorialized. So here are some Carter stats:
- Weighs 16.75 pounds and is 25.5 inches long. That puts him in the 100th percentiles for both. He is an absolute chunk, and I love it!
- He eats 7 ounces of formula every 3 to 4 hours, and he wears 3 month/3-6 month clothing.
- He is an even easier baby than Aubrey, which is really saying something.
- He's sleeping through the night, from about 9:00 to 6:30 or so. It's awesome.
- He loves snuggles! I can't begin to describe how happy this makes me. I take advantage of his snuggliness whenever I can and sometimes wish I could hold him more.
- He is very social, so sometimes all you have to do to make him stop fussing is come over and pay attention to him.
- I like to call him Chubba-Love and Mr. Sir.
- He is giving for-real smiles now! He most often smiles at Mommy, Aubrey, and the ceiling fan (when it's on). Seriously, he LOVES the ceiling fan.
- Sometimes, when he's really upset, he snorts between cries. It's so stinkin' adorable. He also will start to make a whistling/wheezing sound if he gets too worked up; it breaks my heart.
- He's still very sleepy and spends much of his day napping. No complaints here!
- He was wonderful on his first flights. He slept almost the whole time and was just as sweet as can be.
He's soooo big!!! Yay for chubby Jibson babies!