Sunday, August 19, 2018

2 Years Old!

My baby boy turned two! And wow am I late in writing about it! With my new writing-from-home job and having friends and then family come to visit, I just haven't had time. SO I'm making time now, at 11:30 on a Sunday night.

Anyway, we started the big day with shape pancakes. This boy loves his breakfast foods, and he's a ham for the camera.

After that we drove to the Denver Zoo. On the way, we listened to The Beatles (who Carter really likes, yay!), and we just had to play "Birthday." I kept popping my head around and singing silly to him, and he loved it.

At the zoo, Carter particularly liked the sea lions. He always does. Here he is getting a good view from Daddy's shoulders!

Then we used the free tickets we got with our membership (Thanks to Nana Linda for that!) to ride the carousel. We would have done the train, but it wasn't running that day. Oh well. Carter loved the carousel!

He chose a cheetah! He does love being fast.

After the zoo, we met Nana and Papa at our favorite birthday restaurant, Red Robin! Carter had a view of the TV, and at some point he got weirdly serious about it.

Then food came, and he was back to normal.

He loves pizza!

And despite what this face may suggest, he loves ice cream, too. Yay for free birthday ice cream!

There he is going for it!

Finally, Papa had to help out.

When we got home, we FaceTimed with Grandma and Grandpa and opened presents. I have no photos of the actual gift opening, because I was holding the iPad (and just enjoying the moment). But here he is playing with the toys after unwrapping them!

And then, because ice cream isn't enough, we had Texas sheet cake. He actually seemed to really like it when we sang to him. 

My silly, funny little man...

All in all, it was a nice, low-key birthday for Carter. We opted not to do a party for him, since he's two and doesn't really have friends. Next year for sure though!

Anyway, I couldn't be more grateful that this sweet, loving, fun, smart, handsome, crazy, wonderful boy came to our family. He is my sunshine, and I can't imagine my life without him. Cliches, I know, but hey... I mean them!

I love you, Carter! Now stop growing up.

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