Friday, June 19, 2020

Stitches... Again

So... 2020 has not been a great year for anyone. But poor Mr. Carter has had a particularly rough time of it. As I posted about before, he had to get stitches on February 13th. I was hoping we had checked off the obligatory stitches box and wouldn't have to go through that with him again, but alas...

On May 13th, while I was in the kitchen getting lunch stuff prepped, Aubrey and Carter were spinning in the family room. They were having a lot of fun until--thud! Carter started crying and I instantly knew he had hit the coffee table again. This time it was the corner. And this time it was the other side of his head, just below the eyebrow.

It bled for a bit but then stopped, so we thought he probably didn't need stitches. But Daniel did the chat-with-a-doctor thing on Kaiser's website, and they said he should go in. They said he'd probably only need glue. So Daniel took Carter to urgent care, where they informed him that Carter actually would need stitches. Ughhhh.

So long story short, they tried the numbing stuff, but it didn't work. He kept wincing when they tried to clean it. So they had to do a shot. I wasn't there, so I can't give details, but Daniel said it was awful. Carter screamed the whole time, and Daniel had to hold him down. If we had known Carter was going to need stitches, we would have gone to the pediatric ER again. On the one plus side, he was fine as soon as they were done. At least there's that. And I'm glad I didn't have to be there; I would have been seriously traumatized. I just hope Carter wasn't.

The best thing is that I did get some good snuggles from all of it! 

Anyway, no more stitches please! We have a new ottoman coming to replace the coffee table. So that should help. Oyyyy.

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