Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Month Five

Oh man, this boy. He owns my heart. He's the absolute sweetest! Here are some details about my favorite little man:
  • He remains an awesome sleeper, sleeping for about 12 hours a night. I sometimes have to go in and give him a pacifier in the middle of the night, but he's finally done with night feedings. In the mornings, he often wakes up around 5:30 or 6:00, at which point I run into his room and bring him into bed with me so that he doesn't wake Aubrey. Like me, he'll fall back asleep and doze until 7:30 or 8:00 (or sometimes later). It's awesome. The only thing is that he doesn't nap for very long periods at a time. But if I snuggle him, he'll nap for hours. Obviously, this has led to many afternoons spent snuggle napping on the couch, which is so wonderful but not particularly productive.
  • He laughs when I sneeze or burp, and he often laughs for his big sister.
  • Seriously, he's SUPER snuggly. He's always warm, and he clearly enjoys and craves the snuggling. He likes kisses, too. D'awww.
  • He's become quite a drooler lately. Perhaps teeth will come soon?
  • He's still so chubby! He wears sizes 9- and 12-month clothing already. And check out these delicious fat rolls!

Sadly, his ginormousness means that he has already grown out of what was supposed to be his Christmas outfit. *Sigh.* At least I got a picture the one time he wore it...

  • He has started babbling (mostly "Ahhhh" and "Mmmm"), and he loves blowing raspberries. 
  • He's at the point where he'll sometimes cry if I leave the room. It makes me feel so special!
  • When he's upset and I go to him, he'll arch his back and lift his head up in anticipation of being picked up. If I don't pick him up, he does the saddest pouty face and most heartbreaking cry.
  • We started him on solids, and so far he's liked applesauce, rice cereal with applesauce mixed in, carrots, and butternut squash. Not sure how he felt about banana... we'll have to try that one again.
  • He loves scratching things that make noise, such as his car seat, the couch, his sheets, etc.
  • He likes to sleep on his side and occasionally his stomach. I'm so glad he made a super smooth transition to the Zippy so that I don't have to worry about him not being on his back.
  • Overall, he's just super mellow. It's awesome. And he's really patient with Aubrey, who isn't exactly gentle. I seriously can't imagine a sweeter, easier baby! We are very blessed. 

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