Sunday, December 18, 2016

Month Six

Ahhh, this boy! I feel like I start all of his posts this way, but seriously... I absolutely adore him, more than I could have ever imagined. He's my comfort and keeps me grounded. And he's half a year old! Crazy. Here are some details to remember:
  • Sadly, he's been sick for pretty much two months now. He'll be well for a few days at a time before getting sick again for a week. But he's still so sweet! He has a rough time sleeping and has spent more nights in bed with us than I'd like to admit. And this past week, he spent a few nights on the couch with either me or Daniel because he couldn't sleep lying down. After another Saturday visit to the doctor, we got three prescriptions (two involving a nebulizer, which we also had to get) and a referral to a pulmonary specialist. We'll see what he says...
  • He can sit unsupported for awhile before falling over. That just started happening!
  • This baby is a rockstar. He gets crazy attention whenever we go out. People are always stopping to admire him and, of course, the second they smile at him he gives a big smile back. Then they gush even more about how cute he is. Today alone I had, like, five people tell me he was the cutest baby they'd ever seen. I know I'm biased, but these people are totally right. 
  • His newest favorite sounds to make are "bah bah bah" and "rah rah rah."
  • He's started wiggling his head back and forth when he's getting tired. It's my absolute favorite. And I finally got a video of it!
  • He is really into his feet. They're his current favorite toy, and he's an expert at getting his socks off. Seriously, he can take them off with his hands and by just maneuvering his feet until they slide off.
  • He's finally starting to show more interest in toys. He loves the pirate ring/rattle Nana gave him and is getting into the Exersaucer.
  • He's obsessed with lights, especially the chandelier above our kitchen table. When we put him in his highchair, he looks up at the lights with a sweet look of wonder on his face. It kind of looks like this:
  • He eats "solids" now and really loves pear. He also really likes carrot, just like his mommy. 
  • Also in his food arsenal are butternut squash, sweet potato, blueberry, applesauce, banana, strawberry, and peas. He doesn't seem to be a fan of the peas, and I can't blame him. My favorite thing is that whenever he eats the first bite of "solids" at a meal, he makes a surprised face and quickly shakes his head a few times. Then, once the shock is over, he eats normally.
  • When we feed him, he lifts up his rubber bib and gnaws on it, making a funny squeaky noise. He gets food all over himself in the process, too.
  • He's very ticklish on his collarbone and at the bottom of his ribs. He belly laughs when I tickle him, and it's the best sound ever.
  • Unlike Aubrey at this age, he takes great naps! All I have to do is put him in his crib with his zippy and a pacifier, and he'll fall asleep in a few minutes. He takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Both are usually more than an hour, and some are as long as two or more hours. It's awesome. 
  • He's a total tummy sleeper. We've actually had to put diaper inserts into his nighttime diapers to prevent him from leaking up the front of his pajamas.
  • He loves playing this game with Aubrey:

A late addition: Carter wiggling his bum during tummy time!

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